
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rock On Sista!

Dump Day!
Pavillion doesn't have regular trash service unless you rent your own lovely dumpster to sit outside your home. So, every now and then households hold dump day ... the day they load the trash in the truck and head to the dump! Today was my and Ceatriss' Dump Day.

We drive about two miles away into one of the million middles of nowhere and I am fully expecting to see a landfill full of trash, rats and seagulls. What did I see instead? Three ginormous containers where you toss your trash bags until they are transferred to wherever it is they get transferred to. And I saw this ... this beautiful rock formation that looked, to me, like groups of guardians watching over the land. At the foot of this formation is a "house" made of stone, etc that is partially set into the hillside. Amazing! Next time we have dump day at the transfer I hope to have an awesome digital camera and do some exploring.

My first trip to town, aka Riverton, we get out of the car in the K-Mart parking lot and I hear them ... the seagulls followed my plane here!!! My shoulders fell forward and I made an audible cry of, "NOOOOO!"
I guess it beats a parking lot of grizzlies!

Dinner Rocked. Topped it off with steak.

 off to Casper tomorrow with a co-worker for
payroll law training!

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